Hi, I’m Dr. Priti…

And I’m so much more than just a life coach.

As a prior dentist, I weave my health sciences expertise and learnings when helping clients just like you. Together we tap into what’s proven to work, your strengths and gifts already within to co-create forward moving action towards your desired goals. This could be with physical health, mindset, navigating emotions, leading others and/or professionally. 

As an active learner, my curiosity takes me down all kinds of colorful avenues.  I enjoy sharing my wisdom and quality insights collected from my experiences, training and circles of influence.

As a first generation South Asian girl, I often found myself not fitting in and caught in the middle of not being fully accepted just as I am in neither South Asian communities nor the Western way of life. The numerous attacks upon my worthiness from the outside slowly became attacks from the inside to myself. That pesky voice on replay that constantly reminded me of not being enough. That same voice that drove me to seek external validation through unhealthy people pleasing behaviors. 

When it became unbearable to survive in the life of suffocating “shoulds and supposed to’s”, I finally came to my breakpoint and succumbed to finding a way to discover my truth at the core. Through the support of coaches, I was able to do the priceless and transformative inner work on myself. As a result, I now am able to fully embrace my authentic radiant light. 

Because everyone deserves to belong and be accepted just as they are, as a heartfelt life coach and guide I shine my light onto the paths of others who are seeking to do their inner work. Heartfelt guide because, like you, I am a work in progress myself. Always looking to grow and expand my capacity to learn, relate and accelerate connection!

My experience (as well as the work I do with clients) has taught me the importance of addressing this inside job of oneself. Left unresolved the challenge could show up as dis-ease perhaps as excess weight, strained relationships, emotional distress or burnout. A breakthrough from doing the inner work is required in order to break free from the hamster wheel of stuckness to release your unlimited potential that already exists.

As expressed in the word “namaste” meaning the light in me honors the light in you,  I create a safe space for you to do the work of letting go and make quantum leaps towards shining your inner light brighter. I invite you to shed those layers of limiting beliefs so that you can thrive in a life of joy standing proud in your authentic truth. My ultimate hope is to end unhealthy generational chains of control and reactivity. So, are you ready to do your inner work NOW?  Are you willing to become the stone that ripples new chains of choice, belonging and unconditional love from you first ... then to your children and their children? 

Let me be a part of the best project you’ll ever work on: YOU!

Let's Connect!

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Two Step

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