3 Questions To Ask Yourself When There's A Problem

Uncategorized Jul 18, 2020

Blink your eyes if you’ve ever experienced a problem with something and felt yourself spiraling down into the frustration pit. Yes, I’ve been there and done that too. And guess what? Those moments of frustration continue to show up here and there.  Over time it’s become easier to shift away from blaming others to a place of curiosity...hence the questions. I’m sharing with you these 3 questions that have helped me climb out of that crummy pit again and again. Perhaps you might try asking these questions:


  1. Pause for a moment and think about how fast your mind raced about all the “what if’s” or coming up with your own reasons and stories of “why” this or that happened.  Most of us can get really creative with the story we tell ourselves about a situation.  Does this sound familiar to you? Instead, with your next problem start by gathering the facts and ask “WHAT HAPPENED?”  
  2. Once the factual story of what really happened is collected, it becomes easier to notice the gaps and holes of the problem.  To better understand the situation ask the next question: “WHAT’S MISSING?”  (be prepared to experience an a-ha or two!)
  3. Now that the facts and voids of your problem have been gathered you will be equipped to address the final question, “WHAT’S NEXT?”  Hopefully the answer to this leads to a solution to the current problem or will empower you with a new perspective when a similar situation arises again. 


So the next time you have a problem, pause with a deep breath and ask these three questions:



Let me know if you plan on giving this a try.  I can’t wait to hear how it works out for you!



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